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Business Driven IT

Bridging the gap between business and IT

Double Felix offers a wide range of consulting services with the necessary tools and expertise to help grow your business. We partner with our clients from start to finish, focusing on their needs while producing new ideas, developing effective strategies and designing high quality and scalable solutions. Contact us to learn more.


Discover Our Expertise



Double Felix has extensive experience of providing virtual and interim IT leadership to meet our clients' needs. We examine what organisations are doing to stay relevant and competitive in this fast-paced world, and how our clients are able to meet their IT challenges and goals. Working in conjunction with our clients, Double Felix then defines appropriate strategies and initiatives to meet their business demands. Get in touch to learn more about how this service can help you.


Here at Double Felix we have years of experience in Change and Project Management. Our capabilities and expertise can help you take your business to the next level through efficient delivery of your key projects. At Double Felix, we combine our insights and skills to transform your processes and strategies, and in turn, your company. We’re proud to help shape and improve how our clients structure and manage their change portfolio.


Looking to develop your IT but not sure where to turn? With a wealth of practical IT experience Double Felix can help you plan and execute your next IT project. Let us guide you. Any organization can move forward with small incremental changes but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means taking bold chances and making insightful decisions.


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Committed to Excellence

Double Felix is a partnership based in the South of England, offering IT leadership consultancy ranging from project management to IT Directorship.


Our passion is to understand your business and to provide you with the leadership and direction you need to drive your IT capabilities forward in an efficient and cost-effective manner.


We primarily work with small or medium sized organisations and our services typically range from short-term full-time assignments to longer-term part-time (virtual) support.


From strategic audits and developing IT Roadmaps, through to support in delivering a key project, we bridge the divide between IT and business, acting as an interpreter and cutting through the jargon.


We are experienced IT leaders, averaging more than 25 years’ experience, who know what ‘good’ looks like. We bring adaptable best practices to our clients helping them organise their IT needs and deliver value for money.  Our pragmatic approach provides cost-effective access to ‘on-demand' IT leadership resources and skills. We are a lean organisation and you only pay for the services you require, not a multitude of management overheads.


When you work with us, you will have direct access to at least one of the founders/owners so you know that you will be getting someone who has ‘done the job before’, not someone who has just completed a training course!


We are ready to help you develop strategies for not only surviving, but thriving in the future. Give us a call today to set up your first consultation.




Interim & Virtual IT Director / Consultant

My route into IT was not the norm in that my real first job was sceduling air crew for an airline but bizarrely I turned my back on meeting air hostesses in preference for the opportunity to become a computer operator. That seems a lifetime ago now when you look at what the hardware of yesterday offers in comparison to the average smartphone. Opportunities came to move from operating to programming and I happily took the techie plunge.


My career path followed the well proven route of programming to team leading / project management and experience across a number of business sectors and then into consultancy. Mr Branson then asked me to head up a number of Virgin travel related startup’s which in turn opened up a number of IT Director roles across a host of companies, both entrepreneurial and large scale corporates.


Throughout my career, one vital role I have often seen overlooked is the importance for IT staff to realise that technology, which may seem simple and straight forward to them, still needs to be presented and explained to the business in a clear and concise manner. I see today’s role of IT Leader as the ‘Bridge’ between the business needs and the IT service provider. While many services can and should be outsourced, the overall IT ownership needs to be strategically focused on business needs.

My passion today is working with smaller organisations to help them realise their business goals without drowning in a sea of complex technology; I aim to put back into my customers the experience and expertise gained through the years but with a pragmatic and flexible approach. I thrive working closely with my clients and look to become a virtual member of their team, helping them identify, prioritise, deliver and solve their strategic and short term IT issues.


Always happy to have a phone call or coffee to understand your needs and see if I, or Double Felix can help.



Change and Project Management Consultant

I was about 17 or 18 when I spent a few days at Canterbury University, on what was effectively an extended careers advice forum. One of the topics that introduced to us was the idea of working in the field of computing. Now in those days (yes, I know that makes me sound very old!) there wasn’t a computer in every house and school classroom, so this was really my first introduction to how computers could be used to make our lives easier and this was when I decided what I wanted to do with my career.


I’ve been lucky enough to follow my dream and over the years have done many IT roles, programmer, analyst, tester, Head of Development. I’ve even had the grandiose job title of ‘Knowledge Engineer’. I’ve also had the opportunity to work for many different types of organisations – from start-up companies to large scale, multi-national finance organisations, and pretty much everything in between. 


Probably about half of my career has been spent in Project Management roles at one level or another and what kept me wanting to go to work each day, was knowing that the work I did was delivering benefit to my company and my business partners. 


So now I find myself in the enviable position of being able to work with companies who need a bit of help in finding the best way to manage their projects and working with them to ensure that they know how to get the best return for their investment in projects and change. Even companies that have an established approach to projects and change can benefit from taking a fresh look to see if there is room for improvement.


Why not get in touch to see how I can help.



Head Of Security & Employee Wellbeing

I first joined Double Felix in February 2016 as a young, trainee Head Of Security, having previously been based in South Wales.

The first few months of working with them was taken up mainly with training. I faced challenging topics such as ‘Sit’, ‘Wait’ and ‘Leave’. ‘Sit’ was OK if there was a treat involved, and sometimes I would ‘Wait’ when required, but I soon decided that ‘Leave’ was just not something that agreed with me.


I also started to find my own voice during this time and after a few weeks had developed what I thought was a jolly good bark, enough to put any potential intruder off. These days, I find it better just to give a quick little bark when someone comes to the door and rush off to greet whoever is there – you never know they might have a treat for me.


My role has now expanded, and I am very happy to include Employee Wellbeing alongside my security responsibilities. Mostly this involves making sure that my team mates get out for a walk in the fresh air and a friendly welcome at the end of the day.


If you’d like me to visit your offices to advise on security matters or bring some smiles and happiness to the day, then please get in touch. My rates are very reasonable, just some lovely doggie treats or even just a cuddle!

Get to know the team in person! Call us today.

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